If an image pornography is that it shows everything and an erotic image that leaves the body parts to fantasy, is not it the ultimate burqa eroticism unleashed? I think that's why, by the way that stimulates the most remote corners of our cerebral cortex and fosters our secret desires and impure, and nothing else, so right-wing politicians would ask that outlawed throughout the categorically forbidden planet and manufacture industrial and artisan shops were closed which are made with both mime and coveted the most sublime among the items of its class. Left-wing politicians, who have always had the reputation of horny, however, should advocate Forced by widespread and universal use and immediately propose adoption as winter women's uniform in public schools, which could playgrounds and even in terms of environment and torridez to those of private and Catholic, who now hold the unofficial title of temples of sensuality thanks to the misuse by the female half of the select students of these table skirts and those devilish matching lace socks. A well-sewn
burka holds up to three seasons without spoiling and can be used both to go to a fancy cocktail or to stay quiet at home listening to the radio, and delivers his lucky owner of the obligation to shave slave endless legs and face regularly, two practices that besides being very painful are among those to which more time spent by flirty western women and lead to over the year they lost dozens of hours of domestic work or productive Unfortunately for others to relatives and small and medium businesses and prejudice of society that we all conform. Criticize someone who looks or advise female members of his family to do so is to try to impose the European way of understanding the beauty and promoting exaggerated consumerist habits that eventually will lead to fiscal ruin and we already have steeped in moral decay: with what we spend annually in warm wax, low-waist jeans, which, moreover, Shirts ceñidísimas show through when you shower or throw a bucket of cold water to breed owner, makeup powder more or less conspicuous and non-allergenic and very expensive and must say that ineffective would shave several of us to build hundreds of hospitals in Biafra and fill of clever devices to help cure and even to eradicate the evils of the blacks in Africa.
The burqa is a progressive piece that makes all women are or look the same and avoid the less attractive are seen as so far has been the case discriminated against when applying for a job in the event that is almost standard as required in these situations the contracting party has placed in front of the recruitment team of the company to what could be defined either as an esthetician or out: from here to urge authorities to launch immediately a campaign to promote the use of how democratic, compassionate and sexy jewel textile and awareness of the fascist society brazen about the many and overriding benefits to the modern and young urban professional's footwear each morning after the soapy shower and do not remove it until the happy time go to bed at night after a successful day and make horizontal balance of everything that has happened and the good deeds carried out during the last twenty four hours to put a finishing touch to the day to deal it a loving kiss the person next door and we turn the light off to sleep and dream angels wait to soak in a few hours by the window the new sun.
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