before I wanted to be a private detective, but the other day I sat down to think about the reality of that office and I changed my mind and intentions. The detective is a gray type, but his grayness is far from the epic mediocrity show films black film. The most colorful of his job is to take pictures of unfaithful husbands embracing twenty-five Russian waitresses and chasing wayward teens to tattle to your parents after they drink mixed drinks and smoking dope. This, no doubt, has to make you feel like a worm: the detective is as close to the accused of the kind dispensed in adult form and shares it with the defendant, the zero probability of success in start a sentimental approach to the aforementioned teenagers frivolous, and that it gradually wears hard it is and have dedicated sense and undermines their self-esteem and undermines its morale. Even
, and since we live in a country subtropical rainforest rarely can the detective look into the real life of those worn coats that are so well on the big screen, unless you want to risk having him make a fool or an exhibitionist of those before that Men nowadays have already discovered the advantages of MC as fatigues. The existence of the detective is drawn, monotonous and devoid of emotions, nor the cases brought before it have anything to do with the complex problems that almost had lunch chess Hercule Poirot or Sherlock Holmes and his adventures often ends with a heroic chase gun in hand through the streets of a city as pinturera like Chicago or New York, but rather with the endless review a myriad of legal documents and obscene Polaroids in the office of judge in charge of distributing the spoils of a divorce
The police never used by more than television and literature do not stop making references to the course set, the private detectives who solve crimes beyond their understanding: for this occupation prefer accredited psychics and palm reader services , which also generally work for free under the threat of being arrested for conspiracy and fraud business. Women rarely fatal burst into the office of a private detective to ask him to help them find the murderer of her wealthy husband, instead run to the clubs frequented by Premier League footballers and children of baronesses owners of palaces and vast collections of paintings to try to make another marriage for money before the treacherous time into the kitchen of her beauty and cause them to pass the rice paste are painfully pan.
-taxable for its stealth, detective lives and dies an anonymous being inconspicuous and hardly anyone apart from the landscape. All his dubious exploits are in the private sphere and will never be reported by the media or glossed in textbooks, in any event listeners find boring their grandchildren in the future their children will leave their care when they leave with their partners from holiday to Mallorca, but conveniently will exaggerate and embellish with new characters, such as gnomes and fairies, to make them affordable to children's tastes and provide them with the dignity that he knows full well that they never had. Who strives daily to pass unnoticed has all the ballots for the years to get it finished and forever confused with the bland scenery of life as a stick insect is camouflaged in the ground filled with dried leaves of the forest, and there is little glory in the curriculum of the bugs of this type and in the biography of who are eager to hide their merits rather than his chest out and try to score goals next door, as do all other members unions with the only obvious exception of spies and criminals tend to do too heartless and most of the idle and unemployed.
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