What fills me with awe and makes me take her hands to her head and lose precious hours of my time thinking that things do not make sense is that at this stage of history continue having kings and queens and princes and princesses uniformed sailor dressed in tulle, but in the XXI century there are still legions of monarchists who applaud the move and are thrown into the streets to celebrate birth of each new little member of the royal house and shout themselves hoarse with cheers in ways that put all his soul and his poetic talent to the passage of the triumphal processions parading martial royal route to the cathedral ever held one of the frequent and ostentatious weddings with their Majesties, Highnesses and usually seal the love that bind to other Highnesses and Majesties. And shocked me also raised the expectation that it passes the bruised and suffering Christs cardboard Marias popular and crowded during the Holy Week processions, but at least they, Crucified and Virgin, are reflecting a life rich in painful sacrifices and spectacular miracles that creditors can do to admiration and flattery of the populace, and others, kings and heirs better or worse off in the vertical line of succession, they are known essentially dissipated existence takes place in alpine skiing or Pyrenees or aboard luxury and sailors brigs.
Because you can not deny that the kings live like kings, or even, in the event that the crown granted them the right to give orders to the subjects of several countries, including emperors. The only drawback of having royal blood in the veins blue is that sometimes you have to put up with a cartoonist pick a cartoon on the cover of a satirical magazine that the most rebellious of the plebs Have a laugh at the little defects tale of one until the presiding judge gives a fist on the table and send close to three padlocks the bar. But as I walk into a hot import anorak and a smooth and fast racing skis and can Descojonado staff, which certainly goes colder than a rat in winter but do not come to Baqueira elegant slalom and taken to settle for at most two days reached the Sierra Nevada and jump off the side of the target using a large plastic mount as a makeshift sled and it's so rustic cousin who is paid weekend back pocket and whistling the Sunday night to be home early on Monday morning giving the corn in the office or on the scaffold.
'd give a little to be king and turn my life into a serial of love and luxury, able to wear these suits full of military medals and mark the poles of shorts and water shoes such as camaraderie and informal, but I tear myself all nails of the toes before me monarchy. One thing is to live the story and gouge a sovereign people also get the saber giving deep expressions of satisfaction as if it were a masochist in the middle of a rampant emotional crisis caused by the Stockholm syndrome and another to be a member of that sovereign people and plundered that loves and reveres high who spends money caviar and lobster of taxes and worships the ground he treads and dreams that one day he or one of his handsome family political intercourse or break the protocol and get closer to the cheering crowd waiting behind the security fence and shake his hand just ignoring that of all others and even distinguish it with a hearty hug and ennobling. There are two ways of being in this business and if they let me choose I choose the first: I've always preferred to be boot-ball player of regulation, rather than boots find me stressed by the rigors of the label and do not let me go or just around the corner without a bodyguard and a balloon could be blithely happy and enjoy the sights of coated paper I find when flying through the air after receiving each kick. Or related company as a civil or church with the royal family or I mess up the blanket tricolor at the top and I get to send phone messages urging people to take to the streets to ask the immediate loudspeaker announcements voices coming from a new republic, if possible and if people do not mind or federal, to see what happens and if with a little luck someone ignores me and we can laugh a while with the tantrum of Jaime Peñafiel.
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