One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic
Anglican Cathedral San José de Gracia which is part of the Anglican Church of Mexico is a Catholic church, with bishops and priests in the apostolic succession recognized by the oldest Orthodox churches, with the seven sacraments valid, recognized by the other Catholic Churches (baptism was recognized by the Catholic Archdiocese of Mexico in 1992).
To decide on the proper behavior according to the Will of God, the Roman Catholic Church as we Anglican Catholics we rely on the Bible and the Tradition of the Iglesia.Nuestra fundamental difference with respect to the Roman Catholic Church, is that us to decide on the correct behavior as Christians and Catholics, besides appealing to the two aforementioned sources recourse to human reason is the gift of God, capable to be guided by God through the Holy Spirit, that is, we can turn to the right because we believe God can enlighten the mind and the decisions of all persons who wish to address.
In contrast, for the Roman Catholic Church, which is to decide on proper behavior, the third element to decide, not the reason of the person, family or group involved in the decision but he says the "teaching" that is what the bishops and the Pope were given about the correct behavior as Christians and Catholics.
Here are some examples of what the reason guided by the Holy Spirit has given us as correct to Catholics Anglican:
We have concluded that women can be priests and bishops, that condom use is good for preventing death, which the priests to get married can do so, it's good that the bishops are elected by secret ballot and universal of all the faithful, and priests do not handle the money of the Church.
words, this is a church where you referring to the Bible, the customs of the Christian Church throughout history and asking God to direct your decisions and ideas as well as of those around you, you have the latest word, for example on whether to use contraception or not, if you see a movie or not, whether to use this or that clothing, etc. That is, we believe that Jesus Christ is guided by you is the ability to see clearly their own circumstances and decide on the support of those who (a) love and his companions in faith, about her life, her sexuality , tastes, etc.
CHURCH IS A CHURCH ANGLICAN it has the elements that make it such:
v The Scriptures (Bible) v
Apostolic Succession (bishops, priests and deacons in unbroken chain from the apostles themselves.
v The Creeds of the first Ecumenical Councils (the Apostolic, the Nicene and Athanasian)
v the sacraments necessary for salvation: the Holy Eucharist and Baptism
v Preach the Gospel of Christ to all peoples where hence the catholicity or universality (catholic means universal).
. Instead of judging this ongoing dialogue about the problems and dilemmas of everyday life. Ø
Open. Has a mind of permanent, continuous questioning, acceptance and promotion of differences. Ø Intellectual
humble among us there are great theologians who are characterized by humility before the exercise of thinking about God, ie, the Anglicans can live with the question of what we fail to understand about of God.
or intuitive. Leans to the essential truth of symbol, myth and ritual rather than intellectual discourse long.
or aesthetics. Always tends to promote the aesthetic beauty and life experience. Since God is the really beautiful and so true and good.
or moderate. Avoid extravagance, is in constant search for equilibrium and balance. Ø
Naturalist. Anglican theology gives support for the positive evaluation of nature in general and the human body in particular.
or historical. Life skills and reflection takes into account the historical development general and the particular church.
or political. Rooted in the prophetic tradition of the Bible is central to the life of the Anglican seeking the common good in terms of freedom, peace and justice.
Anglican Cathedral San José de Gracia which is part of the Anglican Church of Mexico is a Catholic church, with bishops and priests in the apostolic succession recognized by the oldest Orthodox churches, with the seven sacraments valid, recognized by the other Catholic Churches (baptism was recognized by the Catholic Archdiocese of Mexico in 1992).
To decide on the proper behavior according to the Will of God, the Roman Catholic Church as we Anglican Catholics we rely on the Bible and the Tradition of the Iglesia.Nuestra fundamental difference with respect to the Roman Catholic Church, is that us to decide on the correct behavior as Christians and Catholics, besides appealing to the two aforementioned sources recourse to human reason is the gift of God, capable to be guided by God through the Holy Spirit, that is, we can turn to the right because we believe God can enlighten the mind and the decisions of all persons who wish to address.
In contrast, for the Roman Catholic Church, which is to decide on proper behavior, the third element to decide, not the reason of the person, family or group involved in the decision but he says the "teaching" that is what the bishops and the Pope were given about the correct behavior as Christians and Catholics.
Here are some examples of what the reason guided by the Holy Spirit has given us as correct to Catholics Anglican:
We have concluded that women can be priests and bishops, that condom use is good for preventing death, which the priests to get married can do so, it's good that the bishops are elected by secret ballot and universal of all the faithful, and priests do not handle the money of the Church.
words, this is a church where you referring to the Bible, the customs of the Christian Church throughout history and asking God to direct your decisions and ideas as well as of those around you, you have the latest word, for example on whether to use contraception or not, if you see a movie or not, whether to use this or that clothing, etc. That is, we believe that Jesus Christ is guided by you is the ability to see clearly their own circumstances and decide on the support of those who (a) love and his companions in faith, about her life, her sexuality , tastes, etc.
CHURCH IS A CHURCH ANGLICAN it has the elements that make it such:
v The Scriptures (Bible) v
Apostolic Succession (bishops, priests and deacons in unbroken chain from the apostles themselves.
v The Creeds of the first Ecumenical Councils (the Apostolic, the Nicene and Athanasian)
v the sacraments necessary for salvation: the Holy Eucharist and Baptism
v Preach the Gospel of Christ to all peoples where hence the catholicity or universality (catholic means universal).
. Instead of judging this ongoing dialogue about the problems and dilemmas of everyday life. Ø
Open. Has a mind of permanent, continuous questioning, acceptance and promotion of differences. Ø Intellectual
humble among us there are great theologians who are characterized by humility before the exercise of thinking about God, ie, the Anglicans can live with the question of what we fail to understand about of God.
or intuitive. Leans to the essential truth of symbol, myth and ritual rather than intellectual discourse long.
or aesthetics. Always tends to promote the aesthetic beauty and life experience. Since God is the really beautiful and so true and good.
or moderate. Avoid extravagance, is in constant search for equilibrium and balance. Ø
Naturalist. Anglican theology gives support for the positive evaluation of nature in general and the human body in particular.
or historical. Life skills and reflection takes into account the historical development general and the particular church.
or political. Rooted in the prophetic tradition of the Bible is central to the life of the Anglican seeking the common good in terms of freedom, peace and justice.
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