Welcome to the Anglican Church of Mexico, for Mexico and for Mexico, where we promote the free expression of ideas and we consider valuable to everyone because we are all valuable in the eyes of our God.
About us
As national church, are part of a global family, called the Anglican Communion.
The Anglican Communion is one of the three Catholic groups in the world. These three groups are the Orthodox Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church and Anglican Communion.
The three in turn are divided into a church or congregation in communion.
The Anglican Communion is a fellowship of national churches or provinces within the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which are in communion with the see of Archbishop of Canterbury, who maintain order historical and proclaim the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ as taught in Holy Scripture, as he held the early Church, as found in the Creeds, declared for the first six general councils, and expressed in the Book of Common Prayer
Catholicity and Catholicism, was originally used to call it the Universal Church in the early days of Christianity and make a difference with the Gnostic groups and other trends that deviated from the universal faith.
The Anglican Church has its origins in early Christianity, from the early Celtic Christians in the second century to today. Has retained the traditional faith of the Church of first five centuries of Christianity.
believe that Catholicism was developed in Christian form, before entering the darkness of the Middle Ages where, as we all know, superstition and bigotry prevented the healthy development of human reason and contaminated the original Christian concepts and practices outside our faith
The Reformation brought a renewed universal Christianity, many movements emerged in response, our Church could take the best of the Reform movement and maintain its Catholic tradition, which until today we are proud.
Our Church is heir to the Christian tradition that developed in England headquarters of the worldwide Anglican Communion, and which we belong.
Our Church is a Catholic and Apostolic Church, as we maintain the tradition and apostolic succession since the time of our Apostolic Fathers.
Our church is part of The Anglican Communion is also part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Anglicans we have inherited, like other Catholic Churches, Tradition both of the Apostolic Fathers, and of the Ecumenical Councils of the early centuries of Christianity.
But Celtic Christianity that developed in the British Isles in the first centuries of our era.
Our Church, however, is by no means a foreign church and outside the Mexican mind, quite the contrary: It is a church with which our people are capable of fully identified without having to give up their historical and cultural roots .
We are a church centered on Christ and heir to the fulfillment of dreams of Mexicans who dreamed of this: A Reformed Catholic Church centered in Jesus Christ and governed by Mexicans. This was the thinking of the framers, who formed the Church of Jesus who later called Mexican Episcopal Church and is now the Anglican Church of Mexico.
We are a church because the Holy Spirit dwells in her encouragingly, guiding and holding.
We are a Catholic Church because we follow the Catholic tradition in our worship, which we inherited from our Fathers Apostolic times.
And because our Church is universal and inclusive, it proclaims the whole Faith to all peoples until the end of time. Christians of all races, languages, cultures, countries and ideas are Anglicans.
We are an Apostolic Church
That saved in the Management of Ministers Apostolic Succession from Christ and has maintained the Doctrine and Worship from the Church Primitive.
What are our beliefs?
believe in the Christian faith as found in the canonical books of Holy Scripture and summarized in the Catholic or Ecumenical Creeds, which were accepted by all Christendom, namely, The Apostles' Creed, The Nicene and Creed of St. Athanasius. Bible, Tradition and Reason have been the pillars of Anglican identity.
In a very brief, we believe in a Triune God, God the Father Almighty and in His only Son Jesus Christ our Lord and the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son and that they receive the same adoration and glory. And there are not three Gods but one.
We believe in the forgiveness of our sins and reconciliation with our Lord, who lovingly waits for us to Him we return
We believe the Church is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
believe it is our duty to proclaim the word and example the Good News of God in Christ our Lord and to seek and serve all the people loving our neighbor as ourselves, so we declare ourselves in favor of peace and justice among all people and respect for the dignity of every human being.
We therefore believe in full equality of men and women, so we did not find arguments to prevent the ordination of women to the priesthood. For so our clergy are women and men committed to their pastoral mission.
believe that in the Sacrament of the Eucharist or Holy Communion, we are all invited if we go with an open heart and willing. And welcome to share the bread and wine that is each person who goes to Communion, the host or eat bread and drink wine, the Body and Blood of Christ.
proclaim freedom of ideas and we are against any form of discrimination because we believe that all beings are valuable in the eyes of our God, Creator of heaven and earth; support technological progress and the fruits of human reason, we strongly believe on equality between men and women and proclaim the right to decide and pursue happiness, by what we regard as unjust human inequality at all levels. As one of our bishops, "are the church where all are worth."
What is our religion?
Our form of worship is guided by the Book of Common Prayer, which is a compendium of the liturgy that keeps the tradition used in the Church since the time of our Apostolic Fathers, but adapted to our time and current environment.
It found a way to celebrate our public acts of worship, as the Daily Office which is part of Morning and Evening Prayer. It also contains how to administer the Sacraments and Marriage, Baptism and Holy Eucharist that we celebrate in every Sunday of the year in memory of Our Lord, but also celebrated in festivals.
Our liturgical year is divided into various liturgical seasons, these stations form a cycle that we are from the first centuries the Catholic Church.
Our celebrations are presided over by an ordained minister, a priest who is the Apostolic Succession, ordered according to traditional ritual from the earliest times of Christianity, and according to our canons. Ordained Ministry comprises three orders that are Bishops, Priests and Deacons.
About us
As national church, are part of a global family, called the Anglican Communion.
The Anglican Communion is one of the three Catholic groups in the world. These three groups are the Orthodox Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church and Anglican Communion.
The three in turn are divided into a church or congregation in communion.
The Anglican Communion is a fellowship of national churches or provinces within the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which are in communion with the see of Archbishop of Canterbury, who maintain order historical and proclaim the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ as taught in Holy Scripture, as he held the early Church, as found in the Creeds, declared for the first six general councils, and expressed in the Book of Common Prayer
Catholicity and Catholicism, was originally used to call it the Universal Church in the early days of Christianity and make a difference with the Gnostic groups and other trends that deviated from the universal faith.
The Anglican Church has its origins in early Christianity, from the early Celtic Christians in the second century to today. Has retained the traditional faith of the Church of first five centuries of Christianity.
believe that Catholicism was developed in Christian form, before entering the darkness of the Middle Ages where, as we all know, superstition and bigotry prevented the healthy development of human reason and contaminated the original Christian concepts and practices outside our faith
The Reformation brought a renewed universal Christianity, many movements emerged in response, our Church could take the best of the Reform movement and maintain its Catholic tradition, which until today we are proud.
Our Church is heir to the Christian tradition that developed in England headquarters of the worldwide Anglican Communion, and which we belong.
Our Church is a Catholic and Apostolic Church, as we maintain the tradition and apostolic succession since the time of our Apostolic Fathers.
Our church is part of The Anglican Communion is also part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Anglicans we have inherited, like other Catholic Churches, Tradition both of the Apostolic Fathers, and of the Ecumenical Councils of the early centuries of Christianity.
But Celtic Christianity that developed in the British Isles in the first centuries of our era.
Our Church, however, is by no means a foreign church and outside the Mexican mind, quite the contrary: It is a church with which our people are capable of fully identified without having to give up their historical and cultural roots .
We are a church centered on Christ and heir to the fulfillment of dreams of Mexicans who dreamed of this: A Reformed Catholic Church centered in Jesus Christ and governed by Mexicans. This was the thinking of the framers, who formed the Church of Jesus who later called Mexican Episcopal Church and is now the Anglican Church of Mexico.
We are a church because the Holy Spirit dwells in her encouragingly, guiding and holding.
We are a Catholic Church because we follow the Catholic tradition in our worship, which we inherited from our Fathers Apostolic times.
And because our Church is universal and inclusive, it proclaims the whole Faith to all peoples until the end of time. Christians of all races, languages, cultures, countries and ideas are Anglicans.
We are an Apostolic Church
That saved in the Management of Ministers Apostolic Succession from Christ and has maintained the Doctrine and Worship from the Church Primitive.
What are our beliefs?
believe in the Christian faith as found in the canonical books of Holy Scripture and summarized in the Catholic or Ecumenical Creeds, which were accepted by all Christendom, namely, The Apostles' Creed, The Nicene and Creed of St. Athanasius. Bible, Tradition and Reason have been the pillars of Anglican identity.
In a very brief, we believe in a Triune God, God the Father Almighty and in His only Son Jesus Christ our Lord and the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son and that they receive the same adoration and glory. And there are not three Gods but one.
We believe in the forgiveness of our sins and reconciliation with our Lord, who lovingly waits for us to Him we return
We believe the Church is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
believe it is our duty to proclaim the word and example the Good News of God in Christ our Lord and to seek and serve all the people loving our neighbor as ourselves, so we declare ourselves in favor of peace and justice among all people and respect for the dignity of every human being.
We therefore believe in full equality of men and women, so we did not find arguments to prevent the ordination of women to the priesthood. For so our clergy are women and men committed to their pastoral mission.
believe that in the Sacrament of the Eucharist or Holy Communion, we are all invited if we go with an open heart and willing. And welcome to share the bread and wine that is each person who goes to Communion, the host or eat bread and drink wine, the Body and Blood of Christ.
proclaim freedom of ideas and we are against any form of discrimination because we believe that all beings are valuable in the eyes of our God, Creator of heaven and earth; support technological progress and the fruits of human reason, we strongly believe on equality between men and women and proclaim the right to decide and pursue happiness, by what we regard as unjust human inequality at all levels. As one of our bishops, "are the church where all are worth."
What is our religion?
Our form of worship is guided by the Book of Common Prayer, which is a compendium of the liturgy that keeps the tradition used in the Church since the time of our Apostolic Fathers, but adapted to our time and current environment.
It found a way to celebrate our public acts of worship, as the Daily Office which is part of Morning and Evening Prayer. It also contains how to administer the Sacraments and Marriage, Baptism and Holy Eucharist that we celebrate in every Sunday of the year in memory of Our Lord, but also celebrated in festivals.
Our liturgical year is divided into various liturgical seasons, these stations form a cycle that we are from the first centuries the Catholic Church.
Our celebrations are presided over by an ordained minister, a priest who is the Apostolic Succession, ordered according to traditional ritual from the earliest times of Christianity, and according to our canons. Ordained Ministry comprises three orders that are Bishops, Priests and Deacons.
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