To believe there is intelligent life on other planets before it would have to swallow that there are other planets, something that as much as I doubt that there is an omnipresent God can do everything and know everything. I've never seen a planet rather than photography, which incidentally is more than I can say about God and his saints any confidence, and to assume its existence would make a giant leap of faith, which is the only gesture irrational is not classified as such in the textbooks of psychiatry. I have a rule not to believe or joke I do not see with my own eyes and no glass in between and even systematically doubt that what I see and touch is real and not the result of endogenous or induced an illusion: this is what is called the scientific spirit: without it the world would not advance and would still rooted in superstition and the
Even putting on the event that aliens actually exist, do not understand why this desire to know and this hobby of tracking space probes and telescopes and force unsuspecting astronauts to engage in very dangerous manned missions to see if we face to face with them, with the aliens. I suspect the man's love for the Martians is one of those passions unrequited both speak of books: I doubt that the hypothetical aliens think of us engaged all the time we spend thinking of the schoolgirls love them as they fantasize about seducing his Latin teacher and breaking his marriage and home and stay extension in the long run with half of what his ex-wife left him after the divorce.
will say that the aliens would reveal the secrets of the universe and that it is fitting that we contact them as soon as possible. We are still unable to explain the mysteries that surround us, and I'm thinking of socks without partners that fill our drawers and decorate the drying of the world and success in business and policy invariably have all uneducated men, and yet pretend to know the fundamental truths of creation and why of all things past: that is to start the cart before the horse, buy a necklace without having stolen the dog or pay consumption before it is served and we can see if the liquor is watered down or comes from a jug filled a hundred times.
When one tries to unravel a mystery, you risk to get away with it because the result of its findings not satisfied and adds to the disappointment or worse, in depression or in a sea of \u200b\u200bpanic and anxiety . I think the question is much more poetic and comfortable certainty: is better not to know what awaits us in the mysterious future and what lies beyond the moon if we finally have something. I do not want to meet a superior race of aliens seeking to use me as a sex toy or use me as food, with an inferior civilization whose members we are forced to painfully taught to read and write to communicate with them or with another species about as strong or smart as ours with which we compete for universal supremacy or war for control of the dwindling natural resources of the Earth and its remote and still unknown planet until the end or destroyed and converted it in infertile and barren wastelands they or we become extinct as individuals and therefore and if logic serves me as a race and our children with bad luck and luck will not reach his birth and for that reason are not able to see the sunlight that may no longer rise above the horizon at the dawn of day not too distant tomorrow.
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