I know that making the shopping list is a concession to bourgeois little angel in all of us and keeps a constant tug of war communist dialectic with the devil with horns and a tail that is in the heart of every man and asks him to steal the march on what you need to go by without stopping to think twice as you would a fascist speculator, but I point is that if I need then I forget and if I do not buy I can eat or drink and therefore I feel sad and languishing. I know when I get home a tomato wholesaler, wholesaler and broker unethically enrich themselves at my expense and the farmer sowed and grew with the sweat of their brow and compost, but do not have organic garden or frequent the company of generous farmers who can provide me one of these fruits at a price that matches its value, so I have no choice but to give up tomatoes, and who says says artichoke tomato or egg white or pinto chicken, or enter the capitalist and drop downward spiral pasta I asked a cashier inflexible not gonna get too chub in distribution.
is difficult to remain red and Mason if you have money in your pocket and there is a grocery store just around the corner. Man tends by nature to put the needs of the primary secondary or tertiary and the mere whims and revolution only a necessity when it becomes an indispensable means to get the tomato to bite and devour without bread to kill the bug before it kill us. On the other hand, take up arms is a dangerous sport and very tired and passive resistance by refusing to start the shopping list is a way to fight a dull and ultimately is so detrimental to the health of that practice as the melee, although it is true that the hunger strikes greatly help you lose weight and keep the line and well publicized with the help of the media related to the ideology that advocates a can make your character quite famous in certain circles masochist.
smart dictators, within the usual constraints imposed military status, give your people the right amount of fruit and vegetables so that he seems more comfortable staying at home watching football that hit the streets banner or shotgun in hand about to change forever the thing or at least get your bread droll. In this sense, the Western democracies function more or less like dictatorships, with the only double-difference but that one does not know for sure who is the rascal that their money is being warm and that if someone comes up with raise your voice to see to those around the immorality of what's happening the rest of the Democrats call him coup instead of calling him a revolutionary, we can all agree that in such conditions only thing one can do without risking going to jail or become a popular little league pariah that the bar is being dragged by inertia and faithfully pay, without question or at least grumbling very discreet and polite and racing as much as possible the long, hard and just barely has the reactionary supermarket.
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