Signs of God
I this afternoon I headed to my house, I was a little disappointed because I had just taken one of those bump that one gets when you are young and try to fight for what you want and the goals it has marked his life, especially if it is in the difficult world of fraternities and brotherhoods. I had no desire for anything, but I wanted to put on my pajamas and sleep, not do or say things that I'm sure I would regret later. Then I found behind a guiding cross made of reeds, a small procession of kids, in which there were missing some candles and two steps used in a shoe box, but in which no images were missing their blessed and skirts. Even had a small band consisted of a toy drum. That's when I saw myself as a child, dreaming of being bearers. Dreaming of working with people of equal status and feeling Cofrade, working for the Easter holidays in general, and to my Brothers in particular.
Seeing these children with little luxury, but a lot of hope, bore witness to his Christian faith, and made plastic Catechesis of this, I loaded the strength to keep fighting for what I want.
I'm sure this is one of those signs that God sends us so we will not give up and fight for our dreams, so I will continue to send me another sign that tells me otherwise. I will continue struggling to meet my goals and my dreams.
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