I support cosmetic surgery and reconstructive We must fix the mistakes it has made us Mother Nature. You can not put a good face on things if you have a good face. I feel good that whoever wants to do silicone injections and who need to tweak the nose give it carte blanche to surgeon. I think surgery should be free and, in some cases, required: this world is too ugly to make it worse that we with our mug.
Cosmetic surgery is good for everyone. After surgery, the patient and the doctor are more comfortable with themselves. The doctor is greeted with more respect than the director of your bank and the patient's children are not insulted in the street. I have not operated, I only speak from hearsay, so I do not know if, after surgery, you get the piece of nose I have taken on a boat with formalin or merely to spend your invoice and sign off with a pat on the back. No one hurts you a pat on the back or shoulder from time to time, I would have been a teenager happier if I had the occasional run in due time. No one is good surgeon
himself. Trying to fix the ears in the bathroom with a sharp knife and a bandage is dangerous and probably not give good results. One should always be in the hands of the best professional you can afford, if they can afford to put in the hands of a professional, the amateur level among surgeons is increasing, but still can not say that operated in a salon is very insurance.
Before the forty one has the face that fate has played on and then have that can be paid. Everyone will agree that it is better to be rich to be poor and be beautiful to be ugly. The beauty and money opens many doors: those who have crossed the claim that the other side is more beautiful and more money, which serve to open new doors. Etcetera. If you are a locksmith, his stuff is that it operates as soon as possible: I recommend that you put in the hands of the best professional you can afford.
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