I left the first I saw in the room. Do not bother me at all: it was a kind of proletarian wing, an invertebrate honest and discreet. When he began to be more decided to trap them in a pot and drop the window. Thus keeping my conscience and bug-free home. After colonizing the kitchen. In the kitchen hygiene is needed and moths are some insects especially clean. As much as I gave them a dignified exit, the window-they were popping up everywhere, so I had to take extreme measures: I sprayed poison the pantry and spent three days with fever and shivering in bed. Since then killed viciously and a rolled up newspaper. Sometimes the cruelty to animals is necessary. That there moths
implies the existence of worms and pupae. I hope not to meet any chrysalis with silk hile me a jersey of infinite disgust. I also hope that the worms do not fill my clothes with holes. The moths mate on the walls and give back to copulate, as would the old marriage if they could. I would stick with the paper and die with no time to wonder why or to be assigned to anyone, but judging by remaining where one is born falls another takes his place. My analyst has recommended that I do not give importance the thing and accept it as an inevitable consequence of the spring, but it is summer and I think it makes sense to think of a biblical plague.
Of course I do not look like butterflies or proletarian. Include them in the same biological category that bugs in the same social category to street pipers. I do not know what the hell they eat, but it sure is something I've earned with the sweat of my brow. Yesterday one of the nests dismantled and its members applied an arbitrary law moth. I bought a bag of mothballs and have formed a circle with them around me in the middle of the bedroom. According to tradition a moth can not enter this circle, but I doubt they know the tradition or intend to respect it.
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