say the English, who are the ones who invented it, that football is a noble sport practiced by commoners, and I think that they were right, because on the one hand that of treating people and objects kicking has always been something very noble and on the other plebeyez of most of the players I know for referrals or in person is something that is beyond doubt. They instead argue that English rugby, parallel to the first game whose rules they also entretuvieron en fijar, es un deporte de patanes practicado por caballeros, y viendo la planta y la jeta de los jugadores no seré yo el que ose llevarles la contraria en esta afirmación ni en ninguna otra, sobre todo considerando que los caballeros acostumbran a tener estudios universitarios y por lo tanto son perfectamente capaces de averiguar con una rápida revisión de la cabecera de este texto cómo me llamo y con un par de sencillas reglas de tres dónde
El futbolista medio no será un aristócrata, de acuerdo, pero tiene la ocasión de convertirse en un nuevo rico que además de disfrutar de la bendición del dinero goza de la equívoca caricia de la fama y algunas veces incluso la aprovecha: eso no makes him a gentleman but you can pay a legion of balls to go over it constantly is the opposite of what Caesar did to hire clowns to be reminded from touch to the leg of lamb and bite the cluster of grapes that was just a mere mortal. Thus, the popular sport of football can become a springboard for those who practice social, which in many cases go to play slots in the billiards area to hobnob with the flower of the 'jet' exclusive parties in Ibiza, but not a means of cultural redemption: in the fashionable soirees player is still acting like the simple hustler who tried to deceive kid's leather fanny change occurs after the window to get some money and throw another Tetris game, making certain that instantly integrates with the rest of the few grown tycoons and fits perfectly between them.
If nature gives it a muscular leg to kick the ball with power and positioning necessary to make the goalkeeper stretched meritorious is unsuccessful, you can forget one of spending long afternoons at the barren textbooks and caring for learn to read, write and speak as God intended, for he was able to access all the luxuries imaginable without having to implement these worldly skills, and pretty much hate envy in my words and my heart is true, and if they recite Live in this paragraph you would notice in my voice broke an unmistakable tinge of resentment and a touch sad and bitter, but this my distressing circumstances does not detract shred of truth to my statement or make that reality is not even a little less terrible.
combed With what a Madrid player earns in a year I could set up a hospital in Biafra and live like a pasha for a decade with the money on me. He would have to put in evidence anacolutha full of platitudes answering each and every one of the concurridísimas press conferences held after the games, but this is a small tax to be paid to play the Heaven of the chosen two greedy hands: every man has a price, and I'm willing to give up on a silver platter my dignity in exchange for the opportunity to lead a life more enjoyable than the modest but honest and of course anonymous existence until I come dragging in those cafes and these libraries and to rub elbows with the rich and eccentric entertainers in the VIP area of \u200b\u200bthe clubs where thunders the band puts inframúsica sound social activities of people as possible and hope that one day this unkempt individual with whom the dog and flute while parents who conceived a black night of storm or an enemy cruel and treacherous to hand in the civil registry record or given in baptism as Melendi I dedicate a song full of praise that makes plain that my name and image are for the remainder of the century on the lips and in the dreams of all little girls.
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