The words are a diabolical invention that allows us to torment others with detailed exposure of our obsessions and our fears. Without any doubt, Civilization progresses through the language, but I have no clear where it does, move forward. In general, and some less than others, are quietly talking much more handsome that, although of the time, which the English is to talk about something else. Language helps us to understand, but I'm not quite sure of understanding that will be a good idea that we understand what they are and what others think is a feat that likely will lead to complete disappointment and disgust
Anyone who has some knowledge of biology knows that if the animals are happy and content in the field is partly because most of them are dumb and can not be told the truths that are painful to face. For this reason, wild nature peace reign and harmony and the most idyllic pastoral setting also. Elaborating on the same line of thought, we might conclude that the babies of our own species pass before the eyes of adults and ultimately charming creatures are adorable because we only emit guttural sounds vague, linguistic resources are not sufficient to plot evil and verbal talent available to them would need to insult and humiliate consistently effectively with parents and carers.
According to the Arabs, who apparently knew a lot of these issues, nobody should say anything more beautiful than that silence, while taking into account that adjectives more frequency usually accompany the noun "silence" are "scary" and "Tombstone", to find an expression that exceeds in beauty to the images that those words bring us to the head seems not a difficult task but rather a very simple children's game and a trivial task that is available to anyone who has bothered to take off the graduate school.
The dictionary is a grim book and the competent authorities, if these two words can be used in the same sentence without giving rise to laughter and general merriment all, should initiate the relevant procedures to prohibit reading in schools and their presence in libraries even in public and private, in their hundreds of pages filled with any careless with a little free time can find all the tools necessary to lie like a rug to the world and deceive you and me as the innocent Chinese and to offend, press and defame your neighbor or a neighbor in the abstract concrete and make corrosive and playful mockery of it, which is very quiet at home and has not messed with anyone I know.
The poet said that we are slaves to our own words and our silences, and even employed a number of words to do more so I think he was a saint. It seems obvious that owning something is preferable to be a slave someone, even if that something is a complete trinket and this one happens to be a comprehensive master that manages subordinates friendly pat on the back instead of lashes: better to say about the mouth rather than on us i keep silent and indifferent to the adversities that life punishes us. So at least we will not say anything to make things worse and leave it at those who are watching the pleasant impression that rates are reserved and cautious.
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