'm infallible, as God, not inflatable, like balloons, and that is solid and incontestable reason I can afford the luxury of absolute certainty on issues about which other areas but not deep doubt that in most cases the torment and do not let them fall asleep until late at night, resulting in impairment immediately after morning work performance. I can predict, for instance, with an accuracy that if modesty prevented me I would not hesitate to describe as amazing, everything is going to happen five minutes view at any English or American film budget although some are enjoying for the first time: it has earned me some not inconsiderable sums of money gambling with my co-chair and has made the usher impatient at the request of the fussier the rest of the audience, take me with short shrift of two or three theaters whose name I do not remember.
It's hard to know everything, and ending one was forced to pay a deserved reputation not know if rallying repellent and dislikes of many honest men who would get along and go out for drinks on an equal footing and playing the puzzles with excitement gives the thing not being sure who the hell is going to emerge victorious in the game. People are too democratic and too trite loving liberty, fraternity and almost always catchy especially the horribly unjust equality, and thus tends to avoid those who outgrow so evident in stature and knowledge of the environment and underestimate or even humiliate those who for genetic reasons or because of the increasingly deteriorating educational system are below it and the shame with his comments irrelevant and absurd outbursts in meetings and informal evening soirees, where the unemployed and advanced in years veteran of the district told us with a paternal air in the crowded foosball mid-morning that the military that should not be either the smartest or the dumbest attempted to illustrate precisely the phenomenon I have described, although I consider highly unlikely that they were aware that they did and I fear that just listening to resultón repeat a cliché that surely had learned during his long stay in the barracks forced to comply with the above and a million times they referred and exaggerated military service.
Those of you who have not suffered in his flesh the rigors of LOGSE and therefore dominate interrogative sentences may be wondering how it is possible that if you always hit and never wrong I am here to speak to in exchange for a pay of a solemnity poor cross out of misery and a middle class citizen defined as symbolic rather than using the universe of possibilities that I open my gift and run to collect the fortune that won the football pools and buy huge yachts in which he covered topless frolic for hours which tender suckling pig or feral child and play with the green notes that the Mint prints for me as a tribute and custom publishing. The answer is as simple as a Top Forty song, but despite this or perhaps precisely because it is one more example of how far as the occasion requires my elephantine greatness and my quasi-absolute power, of all the pearls of wisdom I treasure the hard disk of my head that I prefer and watch most regularly is what lets me know what questions are should I ever not to continue to keep my great record and not lose my infallible divining condition, as well as they related to the raffles and other drawings, predictions, stock and daisy loving leaf removal occupy a prominent place in the growing and ever dwindling bunch as they crowd the more promiscuous and chaotic that one can reach to imagine and has already filled my room and threatens to grow and grow to fill my whole house and the world and time and ruin the beautiful landscape that provides the framework for my enviable and many commentators accused of being too frivolous and dissipated life.