gold Not that I go insane. I always thought it was a tacky, so when I saw it on bracelets or pendants with the effigy of the Virgen del Rocío or shrimp and when I found it in the teeth of a grinning ex-con or it has been shown in solid bars with the Christian nothing to arouse my greed and my envy, but to call it black gold oil strikes me as forced hyperbole and a metaphor hardly sustainable. Oil is a fluid that stains everything it touches, a sort of strange and suckling pig transcript of King Midas, and although to me the smell I can look nice or even exhilarating think it is fair and necessary to put a serious gesture to assert with absolute solemnity that sucks. If it were not once refined allows cars platform and the Arab sheiks and tycoons Texans loop and bowtie cowboy hats are lined and can devote their lives to drink mint tea and smoking water pipes suspect sitting in the first Persian carpets ostentatious and collect all sorts of strange objects and to send for a medieval castle stone by stone from Spain the latter oil would be a product of little commercial pull and poorly valued by the public and his name hardly hear the TV news or would have weight in our culture.
oil runs deep, as the most disgusting and stupid, the worst vermin, and should be used to extract huge holes phallic aspect whose presence can never be tolerated by the bewildered Bedouins who travel the inhospitable desert on the backs of their camels jibados and resistant and rigid moral conservative peasants who inhabit the vast plains of Middle America and stand in solidarity with their own hands large wooden houses in the new marriage that arise within the inbred community will raise their prolific progeny. Then distributed around the world using an ingenious system of pipes to which any linguist working with some capacity for the combination of Latin roots has called pipeline or hauling in giant ships exclusively male crew with a tendency to run aground and spill its precious contained in the seas, ungrateful drag him with its waves to the more or less distant shores of Galicia and asphalt free spacious and beautiful beaches as a prelude to the inevitable urbanization and construction of a battery-profit apartment blocks overlooking the Bay of Biscay or the Atlantic Ocean . This sticky liquid
addition, and if the foregoing were not enough, has supplanted the famous female perfidy as the first generator historic conflict. The leaders of powerful nations that declared war before the heart of Helen of Troy now turn throw bombs for control of the last sites: it deprives the military campaigns of the inspiring background poetic once had and become mere trade and loud, though we strive to baptize them with names of cheap action novel and talk about Desert Storm and freedoms for a long lasting and that we insist on comparing the same oil with gold, as if at last we found the philosopher's stone archibuscada. Oil will run out a century of these and then someone will find another miraculous bargain to do that work the car engines and the swift run at the same rate at which fill their pockets, but so far, and as the infallible law of supply demand and its price will rise as stocks dwindling and there will be cakes every day to get a can of gasoline and it will end up looking in a rather uncomfortable to the movie 'Mad Max': a barrel of oil is soaring and I give up fear to think how much it will when cook and hell must one do to get the fascist speculator or government agency and who knows whether Marxist Leninist, which controls the last reserves will reload the burner you need to turn the joint to help you forget so much misery.